Blue sky and an industrial building with four large yellow ducts running down the exterior. Industries we serve.
A people-centered approach to problem-solving

“People are encountering friction & barriers when trying to complete tasks online.”

See the Leading Health Benefits Company case study
Graphic consisting of an image of a person lying down using their mobile device overlaid on a blue square outline and a yellow circle

“Our technologies are outdated and underperforming.”

See the Mercury Marine case study
Overlapping shapes in yellow and blue create a backdrop for an image of a person holding a tablet while seated close to a body water

“We need a vision, a roadmap, and a partner to make our new digital product a reality.”

See the Further case study
a red cirle and blue square are layered under an image of two masked people looking at a mobile phone.

“Our internal teams lack the capacity or capability to meet the organization’s needs.”

See the Multinational Food Company’s case study
Image of a farmer tending to lush green crops in a field layered over yellow and blue shapes in the background

“Managing our digital ecosystem is challenging and time-consuming for our team.”

See the Minnesota Lottery case study
Closeup image of numbered lottery balls on a teal background layered over red and blue graphic shapes






How we work

Clockwork puts people at the center of every solution. Not just on the client side but also right here, within our own culture. The teams we put together generally stick together over the years. Here’s what to expect when you work with us.

how we work with people

Many of our engagements start with talking to stakeholders closest to the project; our goal is to understand the audiences for the project, the outcomes they want, and what the business needs.

For example, putting people at the center of our work means we empathize with the client who wants to increase online sales as well as the customer who wants seamless and simple online buying. And we build from there. See how that works? 

the process of how we work

Before we apply technology to a solution, we have to know if the process around it needs to change. We examine the processes clients have and ask questions about what they’re using, what’s working, and what could be better.

Along the way, we use self-organized, cross-functional teams that are empowered to determine the best approach or how to get the work done. The people we hire at Clockwork are smart, driven, and nice to work with. We like to let them show it.

how we work with technology

Technology is key to helping us identify the best path—or future state—for the solutions and services we deliver to clients.

Our breadth and depth of experience across strategy, design, software engineering, and operations gives us the ability to meet clients where they are. It also helps us provide insights and recommendations in areas of their business where they may not have the capabilities. Talk about a win-win for you. 

how we work with people

Many of our engagements start with talking to stakeholders closest to the project; our goal is to understand the audiences for the project, the outcomes they want, and what the business needs.

For example, putting people at the center of our work means we empathize with the client who wants to increase online sales as well as the customer who wants seamless and simple online buying. And we build from there. See how that works? 

the process of how we work

Before we apply technology to a solution, we have to know if the process around it needs to change. We examine the processes clients have and ask questions about what they’re using, what’s working, and what could be better.

Along the way, we use self-organized, cross-functional teams that are empowered to determine the best approach or how to get the work done. The people we hire at Clockwork are smart, driven, and nice to work with. We like to let them show it.

how we work with technology

Technology is key to helping us identify the best path—or future state—for the solutions and services we deliver to clients.

Our breadth and depth of experience across strategy, design, software engineering, and operations gives us the ability to meet clients where they are. It also helps us provide insights and recommendations in areas of their business where they may not have the capabilities. Talk about a win-win for you.